how to set up payroll liabilities in quickbooks desktop

If your taxes are underpaid, check out Resolve a payroll tax underpayment. If it’s overpaid, check out Resolve a payroll tax overpayment to learn how to handle them. When your payroll liabilities are incorrect, you can do a liability adjustment to fix purchases journal: explanation and format them. Learn how to use a liability adjustment to correct employees’ year-to-date (YTD) or quarter-to-date (QTD) payroll info in QuickBooks Desktop Payroll. We’ll have to create an employee liability adjustment to correct the amount.

how to set up payroll liabilities in quickbooks desktop

To run the Payroll Liability Balances report, perform the following steps:

If you have any additional inquiries regarding payroll liabilities or related matters, feel free to add them in the comment section. After fixing the issue, you can run payroll reports to guarantee your representative’s year-to-date information is precise. Go to the Reports menu, float your mouse on Employees and Payroll, at that point pick Payroll Summary.


Upon checking here on my end, It’s possible to combine the payroll items for the same vendor and memo. To use this feature, ensure that the vendor, and account number of the item are the same. While making Payroll Liability Balance reports, QuickBooks Desktop can create erroneous liabilities. This occurs if the Paid Through the date of the liability payments is in an unexpected month in comparison to the liabilities gathered.

Paychecks are dated inside the date scope of the report. One of the reasons why this thing has happened is because your 401k has five payroll items. While all these items are from the same vendor, they represent different liabilities.

Report Your Issue

QuickBooks Desktop consequently makes the Payroll Liabilities account when you buy into QuickBooks Desktop Payroll. With every paycheck you compose, the equilibrium of this liability account increments. At the point when you cover your payroll taxes or other payroll liabilities, QuickBooks Desktop diminishes the equilAfter representatives of this liability account. You can adjust more than one liability at a time during one liability adjustment transaction by selecting the payroll items in the payroll item column provided. You can use only one effective date for a liability adjustment. If you need to make adjustments for more than one period, then you must use a separate adjustment transaction for each period.

  1. After fixing the issue, you can run payroll reports to guarantee your representative’s year-to-date information is precise.
  2. Learn how to use a liability adjustment to correct employees’ year-to-date (YTD) or quarter-to-date (QTD) payroll info in QuickBooks Desktop Payroll.
  3. Let me share some insights on why your liability payments stop combining in QuickBooks Desktop, @IPTacctg.
  4. Check with the CRA or your accountant to see what’s right for your business.
  5. There are a couple of things to think about in this report.

Step 1: Create an asset account to track the installment

Users also have a choice to set up an unscheduled liability. We recommend setting up a payroll schedule for your non-tax liabilities to help you keep track of when they’re due. The steps shared by Klent are also should you pay off your mortgage early just because you can applicable for payments made via phone calls. You can enter a short description in the Memo column of what the entries are for.

I have the payroll items set up to pull the amounts in correctly and they are all paid to the same payee but from different payroll liability subaccounts. I would like to make all facts on the specific identification method of inventory valuation of my payroll liability payments from the same screen and not have to make custom payments. There should also be a way to do this from the payroll liability screen. In QuickBooks Desktop computers, payroll liabilities account is that account in which amount is owed for each tax, deduction, and company commitment payroll thing. It at that point records it in the Payroll Liabilities account.

Check with the CRA or your accountant to see what’s right for your business. Then consider setting up a reminder note in the To Do list. Now that we’ve corrected your payroll records, I suggest you get in touch with the state agency. One of their specialists will guide you on how to properly handle the situation and make sure your state tax is in order. Please leave a reply if you have other concerns regarding payroll liability. You can combine liabilities for a payment to a vendor while creating liability checks.